Pitra dosha symptoms and remedies

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Pitra dosha symptoms and remedies

If it happens to you that within 1 to 1.5 hours of going to sleep you are waking up and feeling thirsty or hungry, you are very thirsty then you know your parents are thirsty and hungry. You are afflicted with pitra dosha.

If there is obstruction in the auspicious work of the house, economic blockade, deterioration of the financial condition, then it is certain that you are suffering from Pitra Dosha.

Constant quarrels at home over minor incidents.

If you do not want to fall asleep at night, or wake up after a little sleep and do not want to fall asleep. You are suffering from pitra dosha if you are surrounded by various worries throughout the night.

All these events signal to us that our ancestors are very displeased with us. We have not done the due diligence for them. I didn’t give them due pindana. We did not perform their Shraddha Pindana properly and as a result we are afflicted with pitra dosha.

In order to free yourself and your family from all these troubles, it is your duty to offer pinda and tarpana to your male relatives in the proper manner. You must continue to follow the methods I am about to mention until you are able to do the proper pindana.


Whenever you bathe in any river or shrine, you must offer an anjali of water for them.

The three trees are called pitra trees. One is ashwath tree. One is banyan tree. Another bell tree.

Also a special way that can benefit you. Take one glass of water and add some raw milk to it, then pour that water under the ashwath tree, banyan tree, or bel tree between 10 am and 12 pm. Must do this kriya occasionally and must do when pitra paksha is going on. You will get out of the problem. 52 thousand Brahmins live in Ashvattha tree. So this tree is pitra tulya. The banyan tree originated from the head of Lord Brahma. So Pitra is equal. Beel tree is born from the tears of mother Parvati hence the blessings of all gods are associated with it hence this tree is pitra tulya.

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