Dhyanyog Service

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Dhyanyog Service

Hinduism believes in reincarnation. According to this belief, according to what we have done in the previous birth, we will get the result in the current birth. If I have done good work, the present birth will be happy. And if you have done bad deeds then you will have to suffer in the present birth due to those bad deeds. This is called Prarabdha Bhog.

Our body has seven chakras. Within these chakras resides past birth karma. Which we see in our Kundali as various Graha Doshas. As a result of which one has to suffer various problems, sufferings, hardships etc. in the present life. Regular meditation completely destroys this accumulated karma. As a result people are happy with spiritual and worldly happiness.

The special knowledge that Shiv jogi Aloke Shastri received from Avadhuta Sannyasi was a special meditation method practiced in a very secret guru tradition. This method of meditation is able to destroy the karma of previous births in human life and make the present life a happy one. If you want to know that particular method then you can definitely get it through Shivjogi Aloke Shastri’s Dhyan Yoga offline or online camp.